Monday 26 August 2013

March 24

Today began early(isn) at 8:15 as we headed to the colosseum. The colosseum is huge and beautiful, and packed with tourists and tour groups. I liked being able to see it, even though, like the day before, it was rushed through and quick. I wish we could have looked longer. I've never considered myself a tourist, and this trip has conformed that for me. I don't care about seeing all the sights. I want to sit and look at people. See them. Listen to them.

In the afternoon we went to Di Ostea Antica, the ruins of an ancient delta town. It was breathtakingly beautiful. I liked it a lot and probably for the same reason I like cemeteries and abandoned buildings- I like old sad things and the stories they hold. Like- hundreds of years ago people lived here. They lived in these buildings. I sat down for a while and just listened. It's quite and you can hear the wind and the birds and its just-its beautiful. It's so beautiful. Even with the bright orange fences, rails and evidence of modern life, if you can look past that, and imagine what it used to be like. This used to be a town, we are sitting in the ruins of a civilization, there were people here, just living their daily lives. And watching as the earth reclaim what was once belonged to it, as the buildings start to crumble but still stand as a monument to those people that built them and lived in them, and worked in them and slept, ate, went to the bathroom in them. Its just- its really aw-inspiring and thought inspiring. There is so much to see and I could spend days here and never fully comprehend its beauty and majesty, and the magic here and the stories it could tell. 

I keep thinking about those runs and how I wish we had more time here to sit and look, our second and last Rome is over. Tomorrow will be in Florence and we are just back at the hotel and the wifi isn't working. I want to be out walking around the town, but I guess I'll save my night life adventures for the next time I'm here. ;)
I just keep wishing there was more time, more time. Always in need of more time.

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